“Brunched by an Angel,” a new production at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas, promises guests the ability to “brunch with their dearly departed.” This is possible via the supernatural skills of Reginald Lewis, Loriann Mans, and Christopher Allan – “three of the world’s most gifted psychic mediums, according to the Palms’ website.
Tickets for the first half dozen dates (Nov. 12-13, Dec. 10-11, and Jan. 14-15 at 10 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.) are $75 each at palms.com.
Because, admit it, you miss grandma, and wouldn’t a bagel and a mimosa be nice?
Loriann Mans, Reginald Lewis, and Christopher Allan market themselves as psychic mediums who, for $75, will let you speak to your dead relatives over brunch. (Image: visitlasvegas.com)Mans, Lewis, and Allan each possess “their own special gifts to connect diners with loved ones who have crossed over, and all this with delicious food and live music!” according to the Palms’ website,
On his own website, Allan puts all skepticism to rest by explaining: “When I conduct a reading, I usually see the energy of their loved ones appear next to them, or myself. I’m able to receive messages in various ways. Spirit communicates with me by sense of sight, sound, feeling, taste, and smell. These are what I call my psychic filters.
Readings Not Guaranteed Unless You PayEach two-hour show begins with a musical set and brunch, followed by live readings of audience members by Lewis, Mans, and Allan. The experience is limited to 272 guests, according to the Palms website, “to ensure an intimate experience, as well as produce the best odds for anyone that has ever hoped to get a reading from a celebrity medium.”
For $200 per person, a VIP experience at eight front-row tables leaves one empty seat per table for a psychic medium to sit, according to the Palms website, “guaranteeing that someone at that table will be read.”
The production was created by former Rachael Ray talk-show producer Shane Farley, whom the Palms’ website describes as “a four-time Emmy Award winner” without mentioning that they were only Daytime Emmys.
“Brunched by an Angel” joins Frederic Da Silva s Paranormal: A Mind-Reading Magic Show at Bally s/Horsehoe as the only two Las Vegas stage shows claiming to spotlight psychic powers. Psychic medium Thomas John had performed at Cleopatra’s Barge at Caesars Palace for a couple of months from January 2020 until the pandemic shutdown – which, by the way, he did not see coming.