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I was JUMPED and ROBBED at Gold Country Casino at THIS Casino, I am 66, Female....A Daniel Braziel followed me around THIS casino, this was shown on the cameras/ security also stated this. I was moving around the casino, waiting for a couple of friends and my husband to leave...when this DANIEL BRAZIEL jumped me, took my wallet. INSIDE THIS CASINO..the minute he jumped me OTHER PLAYERS viewed this, trying to catch him...what did security do at this CASINO...NOT ONE THING, even though I was YELLING...pointing to Daniel. He jumped in a waiting vehicle, car was running, come to find out his MOTHER was riding in the passenger seat...WHERE WAS SECURITY all this time, watching this happen...ONE very young girl caught up to him while he was entering this waiting car...yelling I GOT HIM, I GOT HIM...she held him to where as SECURITY AT GOLD COUNTRY could have went to this car, this running car was aprox 300' front the front entrance...SECURITY STOOD AND WATCHED THIS....Daniel drove off, this young lady hanging off of the car...Daniel told her, get off or I will shoot you...While this was happening, my husband tried using his cell phone to call the POLICE, it would not go through, he asked a Security person if he could use the phone, "NO" husband then proceeded to run to the cage, he asked to use the phone....again, what did he hear..."NO"....I do not know how the police were notified, they showed up, viewed the camera...the Police told me this guy was stalking you...If you EVER have a security issue or someone is bothering you INSIDE this NOT bother notifying Security, do not ask for a Supervisor, you will NOT get one...this casino leaves all the issues up to their employees, as if to say, DO not bother us about your problems, just leave us your money. As for the cards you put into the machines...don't bother, the ONLY reason they want you to play those cards is to HOUND high end players, you get NOTHING to use those cards...!!!! For those of you that do not know this....aprox 5 miles away from this casino is another casino named FEATHER is much cleaner....if you need to speak to someone, it is done. I hear jackpots going off a LOT more than Gold Countries...I was told by a few, their hotel is you had better EAT before you show up at this casino...they have a Mexican Food restaurant up stairs....HOOOORRRIBLE FOOD...For some reason, as you WILL be able to see for yourself, MORE druggies play in that Casino than FEATHER FALLS....VERY rough looking people....I cannot prove this...just take a look for yourself....Be sure you lock your car, watch your back if you win anything....PAY ATTENTION!!!!

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